Can I Rehydrate with Dietary Supplements Instead of Drinking Enough Water Each Day?

Learn how dietary supplements can help you rehydrate without drinking enough water each day. Find out what electrolytes are needed in order to maintain hydration levels.

Can I Rehydrate with Dietary Supplements Instead of Drinking Enough Water Each Day?

How much water should you drink each day? It's a question that doesn't have a straightforward answer. Studies have provided various recommendations over the years, but your individual water needs depend on many factors, such as your health, activity level, and where you live. You can increase your water intake by tracking it and replacing other beverages with water. Water has no calories, so it can help control body weight and reduce calorie intake when substituted for caloric drinks like sweet tea or regular soda.

Taking regular sips of water throughout the day will keep your mouth from drying out and may even help maintain fresher breath (19, 20). This is because it reduces vasopressin, the hormone that controls water retention and limits urine production in the kidneys. Freshwater is the best drink because it contains no energy (kilojoules) and is the best for hydrating the body. Common soft drinks, energy or sports drinks, and other sweet drinks often contain a lot of added sugar, which can provide more calories than needed.

The best way for a nursing woman to rehydrate is to drink a glass of water before and after breastfeeding. Although there is no recommendation on how much tap water each person should drink daily, there are recommendations for the total amount of water they should ingest daily from a variety of beverages and foods. In this case, electrolytic water, which contains a healthy amount of essential nutrients for electrolyte replacement, is a good solution. Keep a glass of water or a reusable bottle close to and within your line of sight as a constant visual reminder to take a sip.

Additionally, replacing these sugary drinks with water is an easy and affordable way to cut calories, which could help you lose weight. Your body can also confuse hunger and thirst, so drinking water when you're hungry between meals could help you minimize unnecessary caloric intake. Using an oral rehydration solution (ORS) supplement is the easiest way to maintain electrolyte balance. An easy way to increase your water intake is to simply drink a glass when you wake up and another before you go to sleep. The process of digesting food also produces a small amount of water as a by-product that can be used by the body. If you're looking for an alternative way to rehydrate your body without drinking enough water each day, dietary supplements may be an option.

Dietary supplements are designed to provide essential vitamins and minerals that may be missing from your diet. They can also provide electrolytes that are lost through sweat or other activities. When choosing a dietary supplement for hydration purposes, look for one that contains electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chloride. When taking dietary supplements for hydration purposes, it's important to follow the instructions on the label carefully. It's also important to talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement to make sure it's safe for you.

Additionally, it's important to remember that dietary supplements are not intended to replace food or water in your diet.