Glenda Burrall

Glenda Burrall

Wannabe music advocate. Proud web trailblazer. Evil pop culture evangelist. Passionate social media ninja. Infuriatingly humble travel trailblazer.

108 Articles Written
5 Questions to Ask Before Taking Dietary Supplements

5 Questions to Ask Before Taking Dietary Supplements

Are you considering taking dietary supplements? It's important to remember that supplements include not only vitamins and ...

What are 2 benefits of taking dietary supplements?

What are 2 benefits of taking dietary supplements?

While dietary supplements cannot replace healthy eating habits, they can provide adequate amounts of essential nutrients...

Can You Take Dietary Supplements with Food? - An Expert's Guide

Can You Take Dietary Supplements with Food? - An Expert's Guide

When it comes to taking dietary supplements, it is essential to understand how they interact with food. Taking...

Are Dietary Supplements Interacting with Food? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Dietary Supplements Interacting with Food? A Comprehensive Guide

Pharmacists and doctors are aware of medications and foods that can interact with other medications, and drug labels warn ...

Are You Taking Too Many Supplements? A Guide to Supplement Safety

Are You Taking Too Many Supplements? A Guide to Supplement Safety

Are you taking too many supplements? It's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with excessive...

Are Dietary Supplements Interacting with Medications? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are Dietary Supplements Interacting with Medications? - A Comprehensive Guide

It is possible for certain dietary supplements to alter the absorption, metabolism, or excretion of a drug, which can...

The Benefits and Risks of Dietary Supplements

The Benefits and Risks of Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are products that contain essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are intended to...

Are Food Supplements Necessary for a Healthy Diet?

Are Food Supplements Necessary for a Healthy Diet?

Most people don't need to take vitamin supplements and can get all the vitamins and minerals they need if they eat a...

Do You Need to Take Vitamin D with Calcium?

Do You Need to Take Vitamin D with Calcium?

Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, but you don't need to take it at the same time as a calcium supplement. If...

The Benefits and Risks of Dietary Supplements

The Benefits and Risks of Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements can be a great way to enhance physical performance, build muscle, alter body composition, and delay...

The Impact of Supplements on the Environment: How to Make Sustainable Choices

The Impact of Supplements on the Environment: How to Make Sustainable Choices

The use of supplements has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people look for ways to improve their health...

The Benefits of Dietary Supplements and Examples of Them

The Benefits of Dietary Supplements and Examples of Them

Dietary supplements are ingestible preparations that are added to the diet to promote health and wellbeing. They come in...

Is a dietary supplement a meal replacement?

Is a dietary supplement a meal replacement?

However, the term supplements refers to foods intended to supplement the normal diet, not to replace it. Meal...

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken Together? A Comprehensive Guide

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken Together? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to taking supplements, it is essential to be aware of the potential interactions between them. Iron,...

Does zinc interact with vitamin d?

Does zinc interact with vitamin d?

Zinc is an essential mineral with an important relationship with vitamin D. Studies have shown that reducing blood zinc...

What are the Side Effects of Food Supplements? - An Expert's Perspective

What are the Side Effects of Food Supplements? - An Expert's Perspective

Manufacturers can add vitamins, minerals and other supplement ingredients to the foods we eat, particularly breakfast...

Can I Rehydrate with Dietary Supplements Instead of Drinking Enough Water Each Day?

Can I Rehydrate with Dietary Supplements Instead of Drinking Enough Water Each Day?

How much water should you drink each day? It's a question that doesn't have a straightforward answer. Studies have...

Do I Need to Take Additional Fiber if I'm Already Taking Other Types of Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need to Take Additional Fiber if I'm Already Taking Other Types of Dietary Supplements?

If you take tricyclic medications, it is essential to consult your doctor before taking fiber supplements or increasing...

Are weight loss supplements fda approved?

Are weight loss supplements fda approved?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietary supplements, including those promoted for weight loss. Like...

Are Supplements Worth the Time and Money?

Are Supplements Worth the Time and Money?

More than half of American adults take at least one vitamin supplement every month, but a federal panel of health experts ...

Everything You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Everything You Need to Know About Dietary Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

In addition to vitamins, dietary supplements may contain minerals, herbs or other botanical ingredients, amino acids,...

What is a natural dietary supplement?

What is a natural dietary supplement?

In the United States, dietary supplements are substances that you eat or drink. They can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or...

Can i take magnesium supplement alone?

Can i take magnesium supplement alone?

Magnesium supplements should be taken with food. Taking magnesium supplements on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea.

How Long Do Dietary Supplements Last Before They Expire?

How Long Do Dietary Supplements Last Before They Expire?

When it comes to vitamins and supplements, it's important to know how long they last before they expire. Depending on the ...

The Essential Guide to Dietary Supplements: Do's and Don'ts

The Essential Guide to Dietary Supplements: Do's and Don'ts

You should always consult your doctor before adding new supplements to your daily routine. It is important to start with...

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken with Medication? A Comprehensive Guide

What Supplements Should Not Be Taken with Medication? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to taking medications, it is essential to be aware of the potential interactions between supplements and...

Should I Take Dietary Supplements Before Bed? A Comprehensive Guide

Should I Take Dietary Supplements Before Bed? A Comprehensive Guide

Neil Levin, clinical nutritionist at NOW Foods, agrees that the morning is best for taking multivitamins and any B...

Can you take probiotics with other vitamins and supplements?

Can you take probiotics with other vitamins and supplements?

You may be concerned that taking a probiotic supplement at the same time as vitamins or supplements in the morning may...

The Difference Between Vitamins and Dietary Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

The Difference Between Vitamins and Dietary Supplements: A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and dietary supplements are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Vitamins are a type of...

What Supplements Should You Avoid Taking? - An Expert's Guide

What Supplements Should You Avoid Taking? - An Expert's Guide

Vitamin C has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the misguided efforts of Linus Pauling, who...

The Foundational Five: The Top 5 Nutritional Supplements for Optimal Health

The Foundational Five: The Top 5 Nutritional Supplements for Optimal Health

Good health is essential for living a long and happy life, and one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the...

Who should you report adverse side effects of dietary supplements to?

Who should you report adverse side effects of dietary supplements to?

If you are taking a dietary supplement and experience an adverse effect, stop using the product immediately and seek...

Do dietary supplements make you gain or lose weight?

Do dietary supplements make you gain or lose weight?

There is no clear evidence to support whether dietary supplements play a role in weight loss. Some claim that dietary...

Can i take vitamin d and zinc at the same time?

Can i take vitamin d and zinc at the same time?

Interactions between your medications No interaction was found between vitamin D3 and zinc. Both vitamin D and zinc play...

Are Dietary Supplements Effective for Weight Loss? A Comprehensive Look

Are Dietary Supplements Effective for Weight Loss? A Comprehensive Look

Are dietary supplements effective for weight loss? This is a question that many people have asked, and the answer is not...

How long should i wait to take a multivitamin after taking calcium?

How long should i wait to take a multivitamin after taking calcium?

Most multivitamins contain little or no calcium. You should take calcium carbonate with food, as it's easier for your...

Is it Safe to Take Dietary Supplements? An Expert's Guide

Is it Safe to Take Dietary Supplements? An Expert's Guide

Before taking a dietary supplement, it is important to talk to your health professional. They can help you decide which...

Can we live without supplements?

Can we live without supplements?

Your body needs them in small amounts to ensure optimal health, but they don't make up most of the food you need to...

Can vitamin supplements make you sleepy?

Can vitamin supplements make you sleepy?

Many people consider dietary supplements safe, but some can also cause fatigue. Two examples of supplements associated...

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Vitamins and Supplements

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Vitamins and Supplements

Taking too many vitamins and supplements can be dangerous and even life-threatening. People with severe overdoses may...

The Impact of Nutrition on the Environment: How Eating a Plant-Based Diet Can Help

The Impact of Nutrition on the Environment: How Eating a Plant-Based Diet Can Help

Nutrition is a critical factor in the health of our planet. Eating a diet rich in plants can help reduce land use,...

Is it ok to take a bunch of vitamins at once?

Is it ok to take a bunch of vitamins at once?

The combination of supplements does not normally interfere with their functioning and, in some cases, may be beneficial;...

Nutritional Considerations for Seniors Taking Dietary Supplements: An Expert's Guide

Nutritional Considerations for Seniors Taking Dietary Supplements: An Expert's Guide

Older adults often have different nutritional needs than younger adults, due to reduced physical activity, changes in...

Can You Take Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Together? A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Take Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Together? A Comprehensive Guide

Calcium and vitamin D are essential for building strong, dense bones when you're young and for keeping them healthy as...

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together? A Comprehensive Guide

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together? A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to function properly. However, there are some vitamins and minerals that ...

What vitamins should not be taken with zinc?

What vitamins should not be taken with zinc?

Don't take zinc supplements and copper, iron, or phosphorus supplements at the same time. It's best to space the doses of ...

Which dietary supplement is the most popular?

Which dietary supplement is the most popular?

More than a third of Americans take supplements. Multivitamin or mineral supplements account for 40% of all vitamin sales.

Is it Better to Take a Multivitamin or Individual Supplements?

Is it Better to Take a Multivitamin or Individual Supplements?

In general, taking a multivitamin is a great way to fill any nutrient gaps in the diet. However, individual supplements...

How Long Do Dietary Supplements Last After Their Expiration Date?

How Long Do Dietary Supplements Last After Their Expiration Date?

Pregnant women and people who need regular supplements due to a deficiency should always consult their doctor before...

What does it mean when it says dietary supplement?

What does it mean when it says dietary supplement?

Dy-uh-tayr-ee suh-pleh-men t) Product that is added to the diet. A dietary supplement is taken orally and usually...

Does it really matter what brand of vitamins you buy?

Does it really matter what brand of vitamins you buy?

Talk to your doctor about what additional vitamins or minerals you might need; you can request a blood test to find out...

Can You Take a Multivitamin and a Dietary Supplement Together Safely?

Can You Take a Multivitamin and a Dietary Supplement Together Safely?

Taking a multivitamin and a dietary supplement together is not recommended, as it can reduce absorption and cause adverse ...

Are Dietary Supplements Safe to Take? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are Dietary Supplements Safe to Take? - A Comprehensive Guide

When taken correctly, certain dietary supplements can be beneficial for reducing the risk of certain diseases and...

What are food supplements what are the advantages and disadvantages?

What are food supplements what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Dietary supplements can be used to improve physical performance during exercise, build muscle, change body composition,...

Can I Take a Dietary Supplement Instead of Getting Enough Sleep Each Night?

Can I Take a Dietary Supplement Instead of Getting Enough Sleep Each Night?

The theory goes that because you're getting nutrients, you don't need to get enough sleep each night. But is this really...

Are Dietary Supplements Safe During Pregnancy? A Guide for Expectant Mothers

Are Dietary Supplements Safe During Pregnancy? A Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is a special time for expectant mothers, and it's important to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients...

Do I Need Additional Zinc if I'm Taking Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need Additional Zinc if I'm Taking Dietary Supplements?

If you are already eating a zinc-rich diet and meeting your dietary requirements, taking additional zinc in supplement...

What should i take with calcium for better absorption?

What should i take with calcium for better absorption?

To absorb calcium, the body also needs vitamin D. Some foods naturally contain small amounts of vitamin D, such as canned ...

What Vitamins Should You Not Take Every Day? - An Expert's Guide

What Vitamins Should You Not Take Every Day? - An Expert's Guide

Vitamins and minerals are essential for our bodies to function properly. However, taking too much of certain vitamins can ...

Can You Take Calcium with Other Vitamins and Supplements? - An Expert's Guide

Can You Take Calcium with Other Vitamins and Supplements? - An Expert's Guide

It's always a good idea to take calcium supplements at a different time than when you're taking a multivitamin or an...

The Potential Risks of Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

The Potential Risks of Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

Taking more than you need costs more and may also increase the risk of side effects. For example, too much vitamin A can...

Alcohol Interactions with Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

Alcohol Interactions with Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

When it comes to dietary supplements, there are certain types that can interact with alcohol and cause side effects. St.

Can a 14 year old take a dietary supplement?

Can a 14 year old take a dietary supplement?

A lack of research and other factors have led the American Academy of Pediatrics to discourage the use of supplements to...

Do I Need to Take Additional Calcium if I'm Already Taking Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need to Take Additional Calcium if I'm Already Taking Dietary Supplements?

Calcium supplements are not always necessary for most women and can even be dangerous. It is important to understand why...

When can the fda intervene if a dietary supplement is unsafe group of answer choices?

When can the fda intervene if a dietary supplement is unsafe group of answer choices?

The Dietary Supplements Act 1994 does not require that dietary supplements (broadly defined to include many substances,...

What time of day should i take multiple vitamins?

What time of day should i take multiple vitamins?

Most supplements, including the daily multivitamin, should be taken with the most important meal of the day, such as...

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage for Dietary Supplements? A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Recommended Daily Dosage for Dietary Supplements? A Comprehensive Guide

The Institute of Medicine has established the upper limits for 24 essential nutrients for adults aged 19 and over. This...

7 Supplements to Take with Care: An Expert's Perspective

7 Supplements to Take with Care: An Expert's Perspective

Herbal comfrey and kava supplements, which can damage the liver, beta-carotene and vitamin A, which may increase the risk ...

Is supplement a nutrition?

Is supplement a nutrition?

Product that is added to the diet. A nutritional supplement is taken orally and usually contains one or more dietary...

Can you take calcium and vitamin d at the same time?

Can you take calcium and vitamin d at the same time?

Calcium should always be taken together with vitamin D, because the body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Women who are ...

What vitamins go well with magnesium?

What vitamins go well with magnesium?

Vitamins and minerals work in combination and depend on each other to be fully effective. Taking magnesium helps your...

Does Fiber Affect Supplement Absorption? - An Expert's Perspective

Does Fiber Affect Supplement Absorption? - An Expert's Perspective

The consumption of dietary fiber can have an impact on the absorption of nutrients. The physicochemical properties of...

What is the difference between a supplement and a medication?

What is the difference between a supplement and a medication?

Unlike drugs, supplements are regulated after they are marketed, meaning that no regulatory body evaluates the content or ...

Can vitamin d and magnesium be taken together?

Can vitamin d and magnesium be taken together?

You can and should take magnesium and vitamin D together. In fact, the bioavailability of vitamin D is largely dependent...

Do I Need to Take Additional Vitamin B12 if I'm Already Taking Other Types of Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need to Take Additional Vitamin B12 if I'm Already Taking Other Types of Dietary Supplements?

Whether you're taking a daily multivitamin to improve your overall health or relying on herbal supplements to fill...

Do I Need Additional Herbal Extracts if I'm Already Taking Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need Additional Herbal Extracts if I'm Already Taking Dietary Supplements?

How do you know if you need a dietary supplement? Many products are marketed as dietary supplements, and it's important...

Can Vitamins and Supplements Improve Your Sleep Quality?

Can Vitamins and Supplements Improve Your Sleep Quality?

Many individuals take dietary supplements, such as vitamins and minerals, to fill nutritional gaps in their diet....

Should You Take Vitamins Individually or a Multivitamin?

Should You Take Vitamins Individually or a Multivitamin?

In general, taking a multivitamin is a holistic approach to fill any nutrient gaps in the diet. However, taking an...

The Benefits of Taking Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

The Benefits of Taking Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know

Taking dietary supplements can be a great way to improve overall health and help manage certain health conditions. Folic...

Are Supplements Sustainable? A Comprehensive Guide to Eco-Friendly Options

Are Supplements Sustainable? A Comprehensive Guide to Eco-Friendly Options

With the ever-growing demand for dietary supplements, it's essential to consider the sustainability of the ingredients...

Can I Take Vitamin D If I Already Take a Multivitamin?

Can I Take Vitamin D If I Already Take a Multivitamin?

Interactions between your medications and vitamin D3 are not necessarily found, but that doesn't mean they don't exist....

Do I Need to Consult My Doctor Before Giving a Child a Dietary Supplement?

Do I Need to Consult My Doctor Before Giving a Child a Dietary Supplement?

The FDA recommends that consumers consult their doctor, pharmacist, or other health professional before deciding to buy...

The Dangers of Taking Dietary Supplements

The Dangers of Taking Dietary Supplements

Taking dietary supplements can be beneficial for your health, but it is important to be aware of the potential risks....

Do I Need Additional Vitamin D if I'm Taking Dietary Supplements?

Do I Need Additional Vitamin D if I'm Taking Dietary Supplements?

The combination of supplements does not usually interfere with their functioning and, in some cases, may even be...

Why the Government Should Take Action to Regulate Supplements

Why the Government Should Take Action to Regulate Supplements

The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was established to provide consumers with access to...

Nutritional Considerations for Pregnant and Nursing Women: A Comprehensive Guide

Nutritional Considerations for Pregnant and Nursing Women: A Comprehensive Guide

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are two of the most important times in a woman's life, and it is essential to ensure that she ...

Do Certain Foods Contain the Same Nutrients as Dietary Supplements?

Do Certain Foods Contain the Same Nutrients as Dietary Supplements?

Many adults and children in the United States take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements. These supplements...

Can you take supplements on an empty stomach?

Can you take supplements on an empty stomach?

Most supplements can be taken with a meal, and some recommend them, either to improve absorption or to help prevent...

How many hours should you wait between calcium supplements?

How many hours should you wait between calcium supplements?

Efficiently, as your intake increases, it's best to take calcium in smaller doses throughout the day to facilitate...

The Ultimate Guide to Dietary Supplements: An Expert's Perspective

The Ultimate Guide to Dietary Supplements: An Expert's Perspective

Many adults and children in the United States take one or more vitamins or other dietary supplements to improve their...

Can I Take More Than the Recommended Dosage of a Dietary Supplement?

Can I Take More Than the Recommended Dosage of a Dietary Supplement?

Just because dietary supplements are safe in moderation doesn't mean that more is better. Combining several supplements...

Which food is the king of antioxidants?

Which food is the king of antioxidants?

Blueberry: the king of antioxidant foods. Blueberries are among the best sources of antioxidants in the diet.

Are there supplements that are not regulated by the fda?

Are there supplements that are not regulated by the fda?

The FDA is not authorized to approve dietary supplements because of their safety and effectiveness. In fact, many dietary ...

The Potential Dangers of Taking Too Much Vitamins and Minerals from Supplements

The Potential Dangers of Taking Too Much Vitamins and Minerals from Supplements

People who take too much vitamins and minerals from supplements may experience a range of adverse effects, from mild...

How Long Does it Take for Dietary Supplements to Start Working? A Comprehensive Guide

How Long Does it Take for Dietary Supplements to Start Working? A Comprehensive Guide

Generally speaking, the more severe a vitamin or nutrient deficiency is, the sooner you'll notice the difference when...

What to Do if You Experience an Adverse Reaction to Dietary Supplements

What to Do if You Experience an Adverse Reaction to Dietary Supplements

If you take a dietary supplement and experience an adverse effect, it is essential to stop using the product right away...

Safety Considerations for Taking Dietary Supplements: A Guide for Optimal Health

Safety Considerations for Taking Dietary Supplements: A Guide for Optimal Health

Taking dietary supplements can be a great way to improve your health, but it is important to consider safety when doing...

What Vitamins Can You Safely Take Together? A Comprehensive Guide

What Vitamins Can You Safely Take Together? A Comprehensive Guide

B vitamins are known to work together, and many people take them in a B complex supplement that contains B12, folic acid, ...

When Did the FDA Stop Regulating Dietary Supplements?

When Did the FDA Stop Regulating Dietary Supplements?

In 1976, Senator William Proxmire sponsored the Proxmire Amendment, which became section 411 of the Federal Food, Drug...

The Benefits of Vitamin Supplements for a Good Night's Sleep

The Benefits of Vitamin Supplements for a Good Night's Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and wellbeing. But for some, it can be difficult to get the...