Can I Take a Dietary Supplement Instead of Getting Enough Sleep Each Night?

Learn about how lack of sleep affects your health & how dietary supplements compare. Find out tips & foods that can help when you don't get enough rest.

Can I Take a Dietary Supplement Instead of Getting Enough Sleep Each Night?

The theory goes that because you're getting nutrients, you don't need to get enough sleep each night. But is this really true? In this article, we'll explore the effects of sleep deprivation on your health and how to get the rest you need. We'll also look at the potential benefits of dietary supplements and how they compare to getting enough sleep. Natural sunlight or bright light during the day helps maintain a healthy circadian rhythm, which can improve daytime energy and the quality and duration of nighttime sleep (16, 17, 1).

Caffeine is consumed by 90% of the U. S. population (26, 27, 28, 29, 30) and has numerous benefits. Melatonin is often used to treat insomnia and may be one of the easiest ways to fall asleep faster (47, 4).

Alcohol consumption can cause or increase symptoms of sleep apnea, snoring, and altered sleep patterns (70, 7). It also alters nighttime production of melatonin, which plays a key role in the body's circadian rhythm (72, 73, 74, 7). Another study found that nighttime alcohol consumption decreased natural nocturnal elevations in humans growth hormone (HGH), which plays a role in the circadian rhythm and has many other key functions (7). These factors include temperature, noise, external lights, and furniture arrangement (7).

Numerous studies indicate that outside noise, often from traffic, can cause sleep problems and long-term health problems (78, 79, 80). One study found that the temperature in the bedroom affected sleep quality more than external noise (7). Around 70°F (20°C) seems to be a comfortable temperature for most people, although it depends on your preferences and habits. Try different temperatures to find out which one is most comfortable for you. A study looked at the benefits of a new mattress for 28 days and found that it reduced back pain by 57%, shoulder pain by 60% and back stiffness by 59%.

It also improved sleep quality by 60% (11). Nocturia is the medical term for excessive urination during the night. It affects sleep quality and daytime energy (127, 12). Other studies conclude that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a night increases the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes (130, 131, 13).

The Benefits of Getting Enough Sleep

As we all know, sleep is very important.

Not only is getting enough sleep important to feel full of energy and focused, but it's also crucial for healthy immunity, heart health, glowing skin and weight stabilization.

Foods That Can Help When You Don't Get Enough Sleep

Even though we would all prefer to get enough sleep, it can be difficult to achieve it. If you sleep poorly at night, don't worry too much. Eat foods and beverages that will help give you a boost until you can rest what you need. These are the foods recommended by dieticians to eat and drink when you don't get enough sleep.

Tips for Better Sleep

Many factors can interfere with a good night's sleep, from work stress and family responsibilities to illness.

It's no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes difficult to achieve. Here are some tips for better sleep:

  • Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends. Being consistent reinforces the body's sleep-wake cycle. It can improve all aspects of sleep and has been used to reduce symptoms of insomnia (118, 119, 120, 121, 12).
  • Avoid alcohol before bed as it can reduce the production of melatonin during the night and cause alterations in sleep patterns.
  • Exercise.

    Exercise reduces the time needed to fall asleep by 55%, total nighttime wakefulness by 30% and anxiety by 15%, while increasing total sleep time by 18% (12).

The Role of Dietary Supplements

Getting enough quality hours of sleep can improve dietary decision making and contribute to a complete weight loss plan. Melatonin supplements are often used as a sleep aid but there is insufficient evidence on their efficacy or safety according to practice guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (201) and the American College of Physicians (201). Therefore they should not be used as initial treatment for chronic insomnia. Shift work that involves night shifts can make people feel sleepy at work and make it difficult to sleep during the day after the shift is over.

At the same time getting enough sleep is associated with maintaining a healthier body weight and may be beneficial for people trying to lose weight. In the case of melatonin supplements especially in doses higher than what the body normally produces there is not yet enough information on possible side effects to have a clear idea of general safety. However guidelines for specific conditions recommend behavioral treatments such as good bedtime habits and parental education as initial treatment that can be supplemented with medications.


Certain hormones are considered to be the factors that drive these poor nutritional choices associated with lack of sleep.

The NHLBI Health Information Center provides information to health professionals patients and the general public about heart lung and blood diseases and sleep disorders and accepts requests for publications. For days when you didn't have any tinnitus these foods can help you increase your energy and prepare you for better sleep the next few nights. You should also talk to them if you're thinking of using melatonin as a sleep aid for your child as long-term use of this supplement in children hasn't been well studied. The effect of sleep on weight and body composition may be related to how it affects appetite and nutrition.